I approached the album Scars of the Broken by Dawn of Ashes with no expectations or background knowledge, however, the big question after finishing the album is… Why hadn’t I heard of Dawn of Ashes before?! Followed by, how soon can I listen to the rest of their work?
If you’re wondering like me, here is their Bandcamp: https://dawnofashesofficial.bandcamp.com/album/scars-of-the-broken and Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3aSaTtlz7OJ9jmbRV48Moy.
I was hooked halfway through the second song, “Love is Asphyxiation.” It is dark and brooding, yet lyrically honest. The variations in the music speak of movement and growth despite the struggle and clear personal depth to the lyrics. It is touching without being desolate or bleak. There is hope, however dark the theme of the song may be.
“EMDR” is the first single off of the album. The sound reminds me of everything I loved about EDM and metal in the early 2000s. It has a good beat, fluid transitions, and strong lyrics quietly spoken so that the focus can be on both the words and the music without one overpowering the other. “EMDR” is an excellent representation of Scars of the Broken. If you like it, I am confident you will enjoy the rest of the album.
I had Scars of the Broken playing in the background while I worked but “Limbo (Numb)” caught my attention next. It has a strong, haunting start that builds up tension, increasing when a random voice starts speaking a la Rob Zombie. The song becomes instrumental again and the intensity increases a notch until it becomes trance-like and meditative, shifting easily into “It Comes in Waves.”
“Heart Beats Cold” is another song I particularly enjoyed. I liked the steady rhythm and almost zoned out feeling it caused before transitioning to “Turn It Shallow,” which has a completely different sound that still fits the album well.
“Turn It Shallow” takes everything in prior tracks up a notch. The vocals are a bit more in your face, not in a bad way. The electronic elements are more present and the emotional journey is incredible. Despite the harshness of the lyrics, the melody is lovely, making the song beautifully haunting in all the best ways.
“The Antidote” is also a stand out song. I sincerely hope to see it as one of the future singles from Scars of the Broken. Like “EMDR,” it’s a great reflection of the mood and feel of the entire album.
If you’re looking for an album for meditations, self-reflection, or personal rituals, you won’t be disappointed with Scars of the Broken. If you’re looking for an album to relax and yet feel something… tension and relaxation, movement, growth… I would also recommend Scars of the Broken. It was a thoroughly enjoyable listen.
I’m Music Magazine Contributing Photographer/Writer Jojo Key

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