Las Vegas rockers, Otherwise have released their fourth studio album, Defy to the music listening masses. It is their first release on their new label, Mascot, and we here at I’m Music Magazine were fortunate enough to obtain an advance copy, and I can honestly tell you that this is their best album to date. Otherwise has consistently released solid albums and with each album, their popularity grows bigger and stronger. They continue to create music that can best be labeled as poetic rage. 

Lead by brothers, Adrian Patrick (vocals) and Ryan Patrick (guitar, vocals), Otherwise make music that speaks to all people on all levels, and Defy is certainly no exception. Rounded out by Brian Mederios (drums) and Tony “The Beast” Carboney (bass, backing vocals), Otherwise are primed and ready to defy the odds and take their place amongst their peers. 

Defy opens up with “Bad Trip” which was one of three songs released in anticipation of the album. Vocalist, Adrian (Patrick) intros the track with this cool, hypnotic vibe that builds nicely before combusting as he shouts to the world, “Let’s dance with the demons, don’t fight the feeling!” This is the perfect example of the poetic rage I mentioned earlier in this review. WOW, what a way to kick things off..

Following that up is “Money.” Another heavy rocker with tons of groove. Guitarist, Ryan (Patrick) opens this one up huge with bombastic riffing before the song takes on this wonderful psychedelic vibe. I picked up on a strong Beatles influence. Perhaps somewhere along the lines of Abbey Road or Strawberry Fields. An instant favorite sing along and something everyone can relate to when it comes to money. 

Not letting the reins loose anytime soon, Defy continues heavy with “Crossfire.” This one has radio hit written all over it. Adrian truly shines on this one when the chorus hits and he sings “I’m caught in the crossfire, dancing on a tripwire!”

“Lifted” gets your hands clapping and body swaying to the rhythm of Adrian’s more soulful side of his voice. 45 seconds in, the song kicks into overdrive and becomes an inspired sing along. 

The first sign of any kind of ballad comes in the form of “Picking at Bones.” The overall tempo is noticeably slower and the track shows the Wise Ones at their melodic best. I smell a radio hit here.

“Aint Done Yet” is an all-out aggressive battle cry with an underlying message of positivity. Adrian proclaims that “We were born and bred to be more than living dead!” It’s all about being made to be more than just to live and breathe. 

“Fame and Miss Fortune” is another hard hitting rocker that is lyrically one of the best songs on Defy. The song tells the story of the darker side of fame and the struggles with trying to remain in the spotlight and relevant. 

“Unbreakable” keeps the heavy momentum going and showcases all the best qualities of Otherwise. The primal and beast like rhythms, solid hard hitting groove, and the madness unleashed that is Adrian Patrick. Seriously one of modern rock’s best kept secrets.

I'm Music Magazine, Defy, Mascot Records, Mascot Label Group, Las Vegas, Defy, album review, Otherwise

‘Good Fight” brings the album to a close in the most fitting way. The song is incredibly uplifting and inspiring. It’s all about fighting the good fight and fighting for something and someone more than yourself. The electronic elements in the intro and throughout really enhance the power and emotion of the song. 

With the release of Defy, Otherwise will continue defy the odds and rise like the phoenix, which incidentally is their band logo. In the face of adversity, they have consistently written music that speaks to every single human emotion. Whether they are unleashing the monster inside or tugging at the strings of your heart, the music is always 100% made from blood, sweat, and tears from each member. Every band has a pinnacle album where they have knocked it out of the park. Defy will be that album for these hard working guys from Las Vegas. 

The album is out NOW! Go and grab a copy from your favorite music retailer or order direct from the band. 

Rating: 9.5/10 Stars

Writer for I’m Music Magazine Jason “Supes” Mesa

Purchase your copy of Defy: