Serenity released their latest offering, The Last Knight, on January 31 and we highly recommend you give it a spin. The most difficult part of reviewing this work was deciding whether to review it as an album or a movie. Not a movie soundtrack, but a movie in the spirit of the great rock operas of the past. In the end, this is the story about the life of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and Serenity gives it the justice the story deserves.
Our story begins with “The Last Knight” and what an epic beginning they give! Listeners immediately know they’re in for a ride from days of old. The song astutely sets the scene by building suspense and action. It leaves the listener immediately asking Is this an album, is this a movie – YES! It is theater of the mind where the audience will work with the band through an historic saga from yesteryear.
The next track/scene in our journey is “Invictus” and it introduces the “characters” for your journey. With themes of kings and queens, gods and monsters all mixed with the pounding metal supports the tale of Maximillian I. It continues building the story which is further built through the next track, “Set The World on Fire.” A solid song that serves as a transition to the remainder of the work.
“Keeper of The Knights” has some kickin’ guitars by lead ax grinder Chris Hermsdörfer. The tune has a masterful foundation laid down by drummer Andreas Schipflinger and bassist Fabio D’Amore. Added to that, the vocals of Georg Neuhauser take this song, this legend, to another level; with a legion of energy. The tune showcases Maximillian’s dream of death and focuses on his defeat of this nightmare as a defender of the light – the keeper of the knights.
Leading the listener deeper into an oncoming story, “Souls and Sins” provides a reflection on past and future sins. Did they choose the right path; an all too familiar warriors lament – am I doing the right thing?
The first single, if you can really have a single come from such an incredibly intertwined work, is “My Kingdom Comes.” A power metal piece with an operatic feel Beginning with some of the most dynamic music on the album the initial worry was if the vocals would meet the challenge the other members of the band laid out and Neuhauser does not disappoint. As the battle continues through a path of darkness and defeats it into submission, the main “character” has set himself on the journey to eternal glory.
“The Queen of Avalon” is Serenity’s catchiest headbanger on the album with a lot going on as it blends all of the band’s skills beautifully. Reminiscent of older Maiden, this is a song where the vocals take you into the guitar solo with each perfectly supporting the other.
Which takes the listener into “My Farewell” that provides a change of pace that you’d expect from the title … the adept musicianship of the keyboards softer melodic beginning. “My Farewell” is another reflective piece, this time from the deathbed. This, however, is not the end. It’s the beginning of another journey that perfectly sets up the remainder of the album/story.
“Down to Hell” has a Queensryche feel and is the tale of sending others to hell, again with a powerfully melodic pace and strong vocals. This track sets the stage perfectly continuing the listeners journey through the medieval lands of unfaltering righteousness. “Down to Hell” includes the best guitar solo and is definitely a highlight of the album.
“Wings of Pride” immediately makes the listener think, “What’s this?” With its minstrel beginning that leads into a serious banger. This offering is thunderous to say the least and goes back and forth with a mixing of musical styles and times that Serenity pull of wonderfully.
The story’s penultimate tune is “Call to Arms” again starts with a softer feel and the matching vocals keyboards give it a “Tubular Bells” feel. It continues with a hymn-like power of as this piece reaches its and the stories crescendo.
Serenity concludes the album and story with an acoustic version of “Souls and Sins” and it works amazingly. It provides the tale an epilog befitting this legendary tale.
Overall, The Last Knight is an album that is highly recommended. The only caveat being should set the time aside to play it as intended – in order, in one sitting. It’s time well spent.
By I’m Music Magazine Contributing Writer Don Manuszewski

Georg Neuhauser – lead vocals, backing vocals
Fabio D’Amore – bass, guitar, vocals
Andreas Schipflinger – drums, vocals
Chris Hermsdörfer – electric, acoustic & classical guitars, vocals, growls
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