Artist Spotlight is a segment that we started to introduce our listeners to some deserving up and coming artists/ bands. They have made an impact on us for all of the right reasons. We think they kick ass and we hope you do too! Today, we’d like to introduce you the Chicago, Illinois based heavy metal band Hessler.

Hessler is an American heavy metal band known for their energetic live performances. Hessler has globally released four LP/EPs and seven music videos without a label or support from outside forces. They have extensively toured North America, performed with an array of major acts, and are the subject of a documentary that has won film awards in film festivals across the world.

Formed in 2008 by vocalist/guitarist Igz Kincaid, Hessler built a following in the Chicago music scene through consistent performances and heavy promotion. The first release, titled Bad Blood was put out in 2011 and the band performed nationally in support including at SXSW & Rocklahoma.

Hessler released their first full-length album Comes With the Territory in November of 2012 and toured the U.S.  A return to SXSW 2013 kicked off a month long U.S. tour ending in a return performance at Rocklahoma 2013. In the summer of 2013, the band was voted the “Best Metal Band” by the people of Chicago. The release of a new EP titled Ghost Dance in June of 2014 was followed by a North American tour inclusive of the band’s first performances in Canada.

The band spent 2015 writing new music. Skeleton Crew, was released in 2016 and supported by live performances and two music videos.  A new single/video titled “Akira” was released on March 16, 2018, followed by another single “This Evil” on June 18, 2018. A cover of Golden Earring’s Twilight Zone was released in 2019. 

Due to current delays from the Corona Virus, the band is in the process of finalizing a 2020 release for a new LP titled When the Sky Is Black, for which the single/title track was released one March 27, 2020. 

Hessler has shared the stage with Slash, Buckcherry, All That Remains, Steel Panther, W.A.S.P., Sebastian Bach, DORO, Michael Schenker, RATT, U.F.O., Cinderella, Loudness, U.D.O., Skid Row, Dirkschneider, Hammerfall, L.A. Guns, D-A-D, John 5, Blaze Bayley (Iron Maiden), Sister Sin, Crashdiet, Otep, Butcher Babies, Wednesday 13, The Last Vegas, Delain and many more. 

We recently sat down with Erik and Igz  from Hessler (six feet apart because of social distancing and all) for a fun and somewhat cryptic Q&A session.  

All superheroes and villains have an origin and a band is no different, minus the secret government experiments and radioactive spiders.  What’s the origin of Hessler?

Erik- None of your business 😉

Igz – hahaha. People often ask, and we never tell.  It does involve fire and clear open skies. Deduce what you will from that information. 

What’s in a band’s name? It can be a cool story or sometimes just a random name picked. What about Hessler?

Erik- Still not your business.  

Igz – well…it’s a lot easier to chant than “Tomorrow before you bury me after the martyr dies two days before the day after tomorrow”.  

Some artists know exactly when they knew music was their path. For some, it was when they saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan or heard a classic album that really moved them.  Do you remember   when you were bitten by the music bug?

Igz – Saw Halford and Maiden on the Brave New World Tour.  Also the Rammstein “Du Hast” video on the Box was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Beavis and Butt-head definitely had their impact on me as a kid!

Erik – Watched a lot of Headbanger’s Ball as a kid. And I had a guitar.  

We’ve lost quite a few music icons over the last few years. If you could bring back any artist to sit down and chat with, who would it be? I know it’s tough to     name just one, so feel free to do 2 or 3.

Erik – Chester Bennington. That might come as a surprise, but Linkin Park was the first “heavy” band I ever heard. And if you don’t think Chester was a good singer, then I’m sorry about your donkey brains. 

Igz – Clive Burr – his drumming, the feel, on Hallowed Be Thy Name can’t be touched by beast, human or robot. If I couldn’t sit down and chat with him, I would love to play even just the bridge part of Hallowed with Clive.  Fuck MS for taking Clive away.
Doc Neeson from The Angels.  He’s one of my biggest influences and a HIGHLY underrated frontman from an underrated band.  Fuck Cancer for taking Doc away.

If music was over today and you had to go into professional wrestling, what would your wrestling names be?

Igz – I love professional wrestling, so I can’t reveal any information as I’m hoping to make some sort of cross over some day. I’ve got a notebook of gimmicks and ideas. For fun – my name would be Blackie Sawless and I’d chop everyone and spit red mist. 

Erik-My wrestling name would be “Lil Stwwpid.” It would also be my DJ name, haha! 


Adam Arling – Bass Guitars & Backing Vocals (Touring)
Igz Kincaid – Lead Vocals & Guitars
Erik Michael – Guitars & Backing Vocals
Richo Marquina – Drums (Touring)