Unveil The Strength, based out of Austin, Texas have released a cover of the Killswitch Engage classic, “The End of Heartache.” With what I already know about Unveil the Strength from their previously releases, I was really excited to hear how they would interpret Killswitch Engage. Little did I know, I was not ready for what happened when I hit play. 

The band went in another direction and re-imagined the track as a beautiful and melancholic ballad. With only a haunting piano backing him up, vocalist Mark Wolfe lets his incredible voice carry the song to a whole other level. The absence of all other instruments truly elevates the emotion behind the song and exposes such raw vulnerability. 

I have nothing but respect for any band that can cover a song and not only remain faithful to the original, but breathe new life into it. This is 100% what Unveil The Strength have done!

Rating: 10/10 Stars.

I’m Music Magazine Writer Jason “Supes” Mesa

Unveil the Strength is Mark Wölfe, Matt Snell, Tim Hassemer, and Ryszard Gabriel.

Connect with Unveil The Strength Online


