Collective Soul’s new album Vibrating comes out August 12 on their label, Fuzze-Flex Records via AMPED Distribution. I was given an advanced copy for review. Vibrating can be preordered at:

I approached Vibrating with a casual familiarity with Collective Soul. I enjoy their songs “Where the River Flows,” “Tremble for My Beloved,” “Heavy,” and a few others. I don’t recall ever listening to one of their albums in full before Vibrating, but to sum up my review – I will definitely be checking out the rest of their catalog! Perhaps as soon as I turn in this article. 

“Cut the Cord” started the album off on a high note. I actually smiled a few seconds into the song. It was so much fun! I loved the upbeat feeling of it despite the sadness in the lyrics. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this far exceeded my expectations. It was a great choice to start the album with. I ended up listening to it a few times in a row before continuing on. 

“Reason” kept right on rocking. The only word on my mind two songs into the album was simply ‘fun,’ but not without substance. I also really enjoyed the guitar solo on this one before the chorus picked right back up with a perfect transition.

I wish I could name the entire album as a stand out because it was all so good, but rather than reviewing each individual song, because I loved “Take,” “Undone,” “Rule No. 1,” and all of them equally, I will simply say – if you like Collective Soul, or just good rock music, listen to Vibrating. 

“All Our Pieces” is the first single off of the album.  Pre-orders for Vibrating are available now anywhere music is sold in a variety of formats, including vinyl, and come with an instant download of “All Our Pieces.” Collective Soul is currently on tour with Switchfoot. Dates here.

Vibrating is something I see myself listening to in full many times in the future, even though I normally don’t have the attention span for a full album. The first listen through was to get the vibe and layout of the album. The second listen will be for the lyrics. And the third, fourth, fifth and so on? Because I enjoyed it and had a great time listening to it. Not to mention that I’ve kept “Cut The Cord” on repeat while editing this article!

Vibrating is a fun listen and true to what I know of the band’s past work. Fans of Collective Soul will enjoy Vibrating. People who have never listened to Collective Soul but like rock will also enjoy Vibrating. I leave the album with only one regret… not having seen them when they were playing near me last year. I hope to fix that mistake very soon. 

I’m Music Magazine Photographer/Writer Jojo Key

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