Blues swagger into your auditory senses; the slow guitar picking that leads into this anthemic song for peace, and the opening track “We Cry” (From the album Order Out Of Chaos, by Xander and the Peace Pirates; signed to V2 Records) washes over you. 

“We Cry” asks the hard questions of humanity. Exploring the needless suffering happening in our world through a journey of intricate and excellent instrumental work, Xander and the Peace Pirates takes on a big subject with a beautiful song, and album, highlighted by killer guitar skills and inspiring riffs. Also, with an album cover design that depicts yin yang symbols making up the geometrical symbol for The Messenger, or the Angel Metatron, you know this band has got some roots in their soul as deep as the soul in their music. 

This is a phenomenal album! I absolutely loved it. I felt like nothing I could put together would be on the level that this band deserves. I really have so much respect for the subject matter of this album in addition to the professionalism and truly gorgeous and genius musicianship. I don’t play an instrument, so some things I can not describe in the layman’s sense of the terms. However, I can express how the music makes me feel. And so in that, from the fan perspective, I’m determined to try my darndest to do this band justice! 

The first song I heard from this band, “Rain”, was off their first album 11:11Xander and the Peace Pirates’ style, mixing with a dynamic and soulful vocal from Keith Xander, immediately grabbed my attention. Deep, philosophical lyrics and powerful, textured vocals meet with eclectic blues rock instrumentals to create a new band experience that I fell in love with immediately. 

Moving my way into the experience of Order Out of Chaos, I got so into this album that by the second song, “Leave the Light On”, my notes read “fingers that easily seduce the strings of his guitar.”

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen and beautiful non-binary people, is how I can tell you how incredible this musician is. Because he isn’t using fingers to pick. I got so into this music that I forgot that he only has one arm. He plays guitar with a pick attached to a prosthetic. Keith Xander is a Hendrix chasing prodigy and you all need to check out The Peace Pirates like yesterday. He not only is an amazing musician but he is showing the world that “disability” is a frame of mind that can be modified to your own means. 

The thing is, as a society, we shy from the term “disability”, as if it’s a dirty word. Society treats the disabled differently, and I know this because I’m disabled myself. I have found that modifying my life so that I can still work is what matters. For example, I have severe nerve damage in my hands that caused me loss of function and feeling in part of my forearms, hands and pinky fingers on both sides of my body. 

However, I’m a writer and music reviewer/music journalist. Typing is essential to my daily life, my talent, my art and the way I work and express myself. I taught myself over the course of a year how to type with 8 fingers, and now type just about as fast as I used to. 

I have a ton of respect for Keith Xander and the way he modified his own disability to accomplish his dreams and play guitar. Not only does he play, but he puts many two-armed players to shame! 

“Leave The Light On” seems to explore the meeting of strangers upon the street. Perhaps one in need, with the other having something to give, and in that small moment, they find humanity at its best. Dreamlike wahs pool like puddles of notes we all need to hear, dotting their way throughout this soulful song about the need to give and receive love. There’s a trance to this song, with the rhythm of the music, the instrumental arrangements and the way the guitar sings. At times the beat, the note and the emphasis of the breath comes with a pointed word in the lyrics, and it’s just such an exquisite exclamation mark. “Leave The Light On” also has a breathtaking magical solo that dances and shines at the end of the song. 

“Soul Sailing” is a chill and laid-backed song with crooning, clear vocals, still as pools of water in the beginning that opens into a warm splash of chorus. A romantic song about finding your love, whether you intended to or not, and the completion of that soulmate coming into your life is a sweet easy-listening relief to the senses with a gorgeous rockin’ guitar solo. I love the wahs and sliding of the guitar. The song itself builds like a wave, rhythmic drums gently driving with rolling riffs into a louder solo and eventual crash and ebb to the track. 

“I’m No Good At Being Bad” is a sexy song. It starts slow, sauntering its way slowly into the intro which opens into soul blues vocals with a hint of country. The song is just so sexy, but also sad in its wake, and the combination is a palpable delight. The song tingles with vocal harmonies in line with superb instrumentals. Xander plays a hell of a seducing guitar; once again turning on Hendrix vibes. 

Xander’s deep vocals dance like rain on the title track “Order Out of Chaos”. The song wraps up on dewdrops of melody with a beautiful tapering guitar solo. 

“Tell me…does this feel right?” Cries Xander on the title track before dissociating into another surreal dimension of sound with his brilliant band, The Peace Pirates. This song, and the entire album, truly strike the core of your heart. “Stand together!” This band pleads in unison to the soul of humanity, for it is up to us, and only us, to change this world. How do we save each other, and this planet? How do we stop war? How do we find the compassion necessary to grow the love? Perhaps it all starts within ourselves first. I love philosophical, moving albums, and Order Out of Chaos doesn’t fail to satisfy in this area. 

The singing of the guitarwork and the bass on the track “Into The Water” is heavenly, as is this tender, melodic song accompanied by gentle rock energy and falsetto. The slow drums that enter with the beginning of the guitar solo are brilliantly done. This song will give you chills while it makes a poignant yet simple point: “This is your life.”. 

“Kiss Your Rain” is a swaying love song with crooning instrumentals. As the guitar picks and flys, this song swoons over you and through your spirit. The music picks up into a soothing beat and groovy melody that carries you with the lyrics, vocals and instrumentals. 

The tracks “Breathless” and “Fog” bring forth questions about the power of our words, thoughts and minds, while “Heart Stop” is an upbeat kicker of a love song. 

“Breathless” begins with a brief musical intro that leads into Xander’s vocals crying “We’ve become our worst enemies!” as Xander and The Peace Pirates explore the intensity of how words can become us; how they affect us. This song sings of rebirth after being knocked down in so much death. This song speaks of knowledge, wisdom and right and wrong. A lyrically powerful ode with an easy-listening rock vibe and lovely falsettos, it’s simply a wonderful song. 

“Fog” is a beautiful little song, with short, simple yet poignant lyrics, some beautiful falsetto vocal work and a chill instrumental solo that tapers out in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I wanted more from this song. Just as I was really getting into it, it ended. 

The only criticism I could really find is that I wanted more to this conceptualized album revolving around such deep topics that match such intricate sound. The final two tracks were a little short, coming in at under 3 minutes each on a 10 track album. However, the quality of the music in every aspect is like a psychedelic trip for the senses without the drugs. I am a trans-dimensional space goat having an experience of euphoria and new dawning.

“Can’t get enough of your love!” Xander sings on “Heart Stop”. Well I can’t get enough of this album. This is the best album I’ve heard this year. As an Empath and Humanitarian, this album hit hard. It also makes me angry that bands of such high caliber are so underrated. This band should be everywhere. 

Thought-provoking, moving, magical and soulful, Order Out of Chaos will gracefully and surprisingly knock your socks off, so go pre-save it, pre-order, buy it, buy the merch, watch the music videos, buy the concert tickets…support this band. I think our world needs more class acts like Xander and The Peace Pirates

I’m Music Magazine Writer Breezy Blake

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